Thursday, August 29, 2013

Office Space: I came through and I shall return

Dear Diary,

As I feared, I have a new desk.  I knew that the old desk was fleeting. Now my beloved wall calendar (I didn't even get to see what the picture is for August and September is almost upon us!) is forever stuck in July.

John wound up moving in, but I took his desk and switched the contact information on the website so Professor Burke can still find us.  The easiest part of the move was switching computers because I didn't have to.  I already had an account on this one.

Truthfully, I'm not sure what to do with all the extra desk space.  I've kept all of my books and things in approximately the same amount of space as before (approximately 1 by .5 meters) for fear that the rest of the table space is an illusion and can't be trusted.  I heard that at zoos, they only put a very small drop at the edge of giraffe cages and this is sufficient to prevent them from leaving.  You see, diary, the giraffes are so tall that they perceive even a small change in the landscape elevation as a large drop.  How exactly this applies to graduate students is a mystery since we do not have any extraordinary talents to take advantage of.  However, I seem to be psychologically unable to use the entire table space!  Tricksome zookeeper mischief is surely afoot!

Most importantly, I no longer have constant access to Lucas.  I will have to write down my questions and make the most efficient use of my meeting time with him.  Maybe I can even work through some of my questions by reading literature or group notes.  This could cut down on the amount of time that I bug him (but I will still need to bug him!).

Moral of the story:  Always turn your wall calendar to the next page at the beginning of the month.  You never know when you'll see your last day!

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