Thursday, October 24, 2013

Far West APS Meeting

Dear Diary,

We're going to conference!  The American Physical Society (APS) has several sections and we happen to be in the Far West division including Nevada, California, and Hawaii!

Each year, the section holds a regional meeting which is quite student friendly.  Lots of talks are given (no posters!) and lots of informative plenary sessions are given.  This year, there's even a Halloween reception bash the day before!

Myself and Kevin, the undergraduate, are heading up to the conference to give presentations.  I've already written mine and am practicing each night after my office mates go home to avoid disturbing them. I've tried to keep it to one slide per minute (the talks are only 10 minutes long) and I keep reshuffling items based on what makes sense in how I think through the presentation.

I contracted some other first year graduate students (with accumulated pub time afterward!) to critique my talk before giving it to the group on Tuesday.  Hopefully, this all whips my presentation into polished shape before the conference next Friday!

The hardest part will be to plan out what to wear.  Will it be the purple dress shirt or the blue one?  I suppose I could with a red shirt and dinner jacket or keep it business cazh--or ultra cazh.

I should also get a to plan my costume...

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