Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Cat Attack!

Dear Diary,

I've submitted a few jobs to the cluster.  Today, I got a friendly message from my good friend in Professor Furche's lab:

"hey tom this is brandon
you have a helluva buncha jobs that are requesting a ton of resources 8cpu/22gb
is this totally necessarYY?

Message from brandon...
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That thing is supposed to be a cat, and it is!  It is impressively drawn!  My copy and paste skills are not as good!  Brandon embedded a message in my bash shell asking why I'd submitted so many jobs.

See, Kieron and Steve's grant are up for renewal soon.  I have to produce something.  Further, the DMRG code right now automatically requests 8 threads in OpenMP.  This needs to be fixed, but I didn't want to fiddle with it for a bit for fear of never being able to run the program when I need it.  If I don't request 8 threads, then it will impede on someone else's job.  Further, I decided to go with the maximum amount of memory because A)  I'm using it anyway and B) it rates my jobs lower in the queue.  I really am a scourge of the cluster.  Yikes.

Another way to hide this large amount of jobs would be to break up the submission to the cluster in tiny, bite-size chunks of 40 or so.  Maybe I'll do that.

Sorry Brandon!

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